God’s Love Tabernacle
International Church
We are a people of Love. . .
Raising Kingdom Ambassadors
Manifesting Abundant Zoe

Our Mission
Our Mission is focused on Raising Kingdom Ambassadors, Manifesting Abundant Zoe … – Gal 4:19.
A kingdom ambassador

We are called to teach and preach with all simplicity and clarity, New Creation Realities in Christ Jesus, stressing emphatically the integrity of God’s Word by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
GLT Extensions
There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard – Psalms 19:4
We bless God for increasing us as we spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. Do well to join any of our extensions close to you. Shalom
Experience the Love of God
In GLT, we are Love personified, the Love of God dwells among, within and in us, we don’t just preach God’s love, we are God’s Love.

We’ll like to hear from you
Do you have testimony or any form of enquiry, we will love to hear from you, please do well to send us a mail, looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you